Sometimes medication saves lives and is completely necessary to manage a patient’s symptoms, or to lessen suffering, or to treat a serious illness. However, not all medications are the same, just as all individual patients are not the same.
Prescribing certain pills to treat people who are suffering from an illness or condition can become too habitual – just as the people taking them can become used to their habitual use. In too many situations, taking a pill has become a crutch or a short cut over actually preventing or curing the condition in the first place.
Large pharmaceutical companies know this. These corporations seek enormous profits from the healthcare industry and the people it is supposed to care for. Sadly, many drug companies have actually corrupted the way that some in the healthcare fields deliver their services. This is not a unique story, unfortunately, as one only needs to do a little research or watch the evening news to see the results.
It is a fact that each year, the biggest pharmaceutical corporations stand out among the most well-represented, most profitable, and some of the most powerful Fortune 500 companies in the World.
There are records from empirical medical evidence, in-depth studies, pioneering scientists, doctors, and very educated researchers that uncovered many possible cures for diabetes, cancers, deadly infections, and other terminal illnesses that become hidden from the general public – those who could most benefit from the information. The work often comes to pose a serious threat to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry status quo. Hence, the bottom line is such that if the majority of people are healthy, the industry will not make as much in profit. In these cases, it can be seen that there is a concerted effort to promote illness under the guise of attaining wellness.
Pharmaceutical drugs and prescribed medicines often come with serious side effects, especially when consumed to manage chronic disease and the associated symptoms. Some medications have such severe side effects that they can contribute to permanent patient damage, addiction, harm, and even early death.
It is startling to know that more than 75% of all United States citizens over 50 take a prescribed medication. From data collected in 2015, nearly 60% of all Americans are taking prescription drugs. That number is likely to be much higher now. This means that at least 3 out of every 5 American adults take a prescription drug. It has been found that although the United States only accounts for just about 5% of the World’s population, it consumes over 50% of all prescribed drugs, and 80% of the World’s supply of painkillers.
Over-prescribing antibiotics is also an issue, as an overage of antibiotics can cause trans-generational permanent DNA damage and can be highly toxic and damaging to the patient’s nervous system. The overuse of antibiotics also leads to their ineffectiveness, the killing off of good bacteria, and the over-growth of antibiotic resistant super-bugs such as MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus). Prompted by the overuse of antibiotics in animals (injected into them or added to the feed of livestock and poultry) and over-prescribing them to humans – the fast rate at which new strains of drug-resistant bacteria have emerged over recent years is terrifying to World health organizations and to global public health experts.
As millions of Americans have grown accustomed to taking pills for anything and everything, we frequently find that the medications can have serious and lasting side effects – and they often cost a lot of money. Depending on the individual patient, the Journey Medical Program will perform a full health assessment to help patients manage many of their conditions without having to take pills. We have found that a non-pharmacological approach can prevent, manage, and even cure certain conditions while improving the patient’s overall health, avoiding unhealthful side-effects, and decreasing long term healthcare costs.
The Journey Medical Program focuses on your whole health to stop or decrease the chance of developing a condition in the first place. Our treatment goals are to prevent you from having a health issue and stop or reverse the worsening of an existing condition. Your individual treatment depends on your overall level of health, how severe your current condition may be, your symptoms, as well as your age and lifestyle.
Prevention is always the best medicine. Treatments for certain health conditions and chronic diseases may include making healthy lifestyle changes, taking limited short-term prescribed medicines, and undergoing minor medical procedures only as necessary. If you would like more information, or are ready to begin your wellness journey, please contact us to request an appointment today.